Greatest Invention of all time

I-tunes. Music is a catagory on the blog that I have neglected since the recent upstart. I wont wax poetic about the soundtrack of my life, at least not yet… but for today I cannot resist to share some of the most treasured jewels of our musical culture that I recently discovered on I-tunes this morning. Brian, if you are reading, forgive me for I have downloaded close to 10 songs. I promise I’ll stop at ten!

Todays Finds:

Classic Rock has landed on I-tunes. I am not a hard core classic rock girl, however, I spent a good 10 minutes rocking out this morning to the following new editions to my playlist:

Led Zeppelin: Rock and Roll and The Ocean, remastered

I also seriously considered a few purchases of Jimi, Jim, and Mick but I have to download in moderation or my husband will not be happy.

Other purchases of the day:

A few new remastered U2 hits that I have been too cheap to download because I already had the CDs but was intoxicated by the crystal clear, high def digital masterpieces that now live in my virtual music library:

U2: Where the Streets Have No Name and I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (click the link on Where the Streets… its an amazing performance.. still gives me chills)

These classics are only only staples of multi-generational musical genius, they also remain integral parts of my testimony. More on that another day.

Nouveau Classic Rock:

I don’t think I can truly call The Killers classic rock, because they are too new. However, their new lp “Sawdust” is FREAKING AWESOME. I love their sound. I am still not totally sure what they are talking about half of the time, but those block rockin beats get me v. excited.

The Killers: Shadowplay and Under the Gun

I didn’t download the entire album, again, due to my 10 song download limit imposed by my live in acountant, however, for any of you generous souls out there, I-tunes does have an option called: give the gift of music online …. just FYI ๐Ÿ™‚

The last two downloads of the morning are Christmas Tunes… but not your ordinary Chestnuts Roasting by the Open Fire… I downloaded

Sufjan Stevens: Put the Lights on the Tree

Rithma: Psycho Jingle Funk

Good tunes to get you in the holiday spirit. I highly recommend you check them out today.

Well friends, looks like I still have two more downloads before I meet my quota. Any recommendations on what I should download?

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Psst. Hi there!

    How the heck are you?!

  2. Holly says:

    Love reading your blog! Yes I have a recommendation! Hillsong London has a remix album called Jesus Is. Till I see is off the hook!!! You’ll love it!
    Also anything by Phil Wickham. Enjoy your last two downloads

  3. Jeff says:

    Hey gorgeous! Glad you found me! Of course I’ll add you to my blogroll!

    And yeah, when I got iTunes and went searching for songs to download (ending up spending hundreds of dollars, even!), I quite enjoyed going through the classic rock section to find the old gems. Helped me enjoy “Don’t Forget the Lyrics” more!

  4. Husband says:

    For the last two songs how about 2 selections from the new David Crowder cd mama!

    p.s.- You are forgiven! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Momma says:

    Your Uncle Bill was a hugh Led Zeppelin fan.
    He would turn his music up so loud every morning before school. it would vibrate me out of the bed. Maybe that’s why I’m not so much a fan………….

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